Sunday, November 11, 2012

A Direction the Class Needs

I really enjoy this class and the discussions we have. They are relevant and thought-provoking, and I always get something out of them. Similarly, the books we read are interesting and help spark interesting discussions. Although some might disagree, I like group work because it helps me get a different perspective on certain issues in the book, or reminds me of things I forgot. But the blogs can be kind of a mixed bag, depending on the topic or question. Sometimes I just don't have much to say on whatever the topic might be, and other times it makes me think more in-depth about it. Overall I guess it is good because I have time to think about and process what we discuss in class, before sharing my opinions. The only big problem I have with the class is that it's right before my 8th period lunch, so that's mostly what I'm thinking about. It can be a little hard to focus. If it were any other class, though, paying attention would be much harder. Because the discussions really are worth being part of, I try to stay alert. This class gets an A in my book.

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