Thursday, June 6, 2013

The End of The Road

The novel ends with the father dying and the boy finding a family to take care of him.  Compared to the rest of the story this is an optimistic ending.  Even though the father died the kid survived, which is more important and was the father's sole goal.  More promising is the fact that the people the boy is going with have two young kids, a boy and a girl.  The boy has been wanting to meet other kids like him for a long time, ever since they saw a little boy in a town.  This also suggests that there is still hope for the human race, and a new generation is possible.  The concept of holding the fire is brought up when the boy asks the man who finds him whether he's a good guy and if he holds the fire.  He's obviously a good guy but he doesn't understand the metaphor.  Either way, they are all keeping the fire alive by continuing to be the good guys and doing the right thing.  The final paragraph is about times past, describing trout swimming in a mountain stream.  This is another positive note to end on.  It may foreshadow good times coming back, or at least keeping the good times in memory.  Though many people the man and the boy meet along the road face horrible endings, the future looks bright for the boy and the other kids.  Not to end on a complete downer, but of course in that world hardships will still remain.

Monday, June 3, 2013

You Are What You Eat

Cannibalism is pretty common in the society in The Road, because people are desperate and have few other options. Here's one example.  At one point the man sees two men and a pregnant woman pass on the road. A while later the man and the boy see smoke from a fire, so they go to investigate.  When they get there there's no one there because the people may have seen that the man had a gun.  All that's left is something black and roasted on a spit over the fire.  The boy suddenly starts bawling, and the man realizes that the object on the spit is a human infant.  They quickly leave in horror.  When I first read this I assumed that the woman had a baby and they killed it and ate it.  Looking back on this I realized it's also possible that it was a stillborn, especially considering how weak the woman was.  In that case, even though it's extremely gruesome, I think it's okay to eat the child.  We can't even imagine a situation like theirs, and it wouldn't have done them any good to bury it, even though it's easy to say it's the right thing to do.  If the child was born alive, it would be wrong to eat it, especially because it could be one of humanity's few chances of survival.  When it comes down to it though, it seems people will do anything to survive.